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Wellfleet Fire Ice Rescue Drill

People in a yellow inflatable raft on an icy surface, surrounded by a wooded area.

On Monday morning, the Wellfleet Fire Department drilled on ice rescues at Long Pond. The department used our inflatable NRS boat, allowing firefighters to travel over weak ice and open water to reach victims. The firefighters wore specialized suits to keep them dry and warm while working in and around the water. The Department practiced traversing over the ice, pulling victims out of the water, and removing them from the pond to be transferred to a waiting ambulance.

Ice rescues, while rare, have catastrophic results for the individual who falls through the ice.  The department drills to ensure we are ready to provide these life-saving procedures to keep our community safe. With the fluctuating temperatures here on Cape Cod, the Wellfleet Fire Department would like to remind everyone that no ice is safe ice.