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OPEN BURNING Winter & Spring 2025

Open burning season begins on January 15th and continues until 4:00 PM on May 1st.

Anyone wishing to burn brush in Wellfleet must obtain a permit in advance from the Wellfleet Fire Department. The fee for the permit is $20.00 and must be paid for with a check or exact change in cash. 

Burning may be done between 10 AM and 4 PM, weather permitting. 

You must call the Fire Department at 508-349-0333 between 9:30 and 11:00 AM on each day you want to burn.

This number will connect you to an automated line which will tell you if burning is allowed that day.  Calls for permission to burn must be made to this phone number only. If conditions change during the day, the Fire Department reserves the right to call and order that all fires be extinguished.

Complete regulations for open burning are attached to the open burning permit.  Please read the regulations carefully.  Violation of the regulations will void the permit, and may result in revocation of your permit by any fire department official. 

Please bring either the exact amount in cash, or a check made out to the Town of Wellfleet. Open burning permit applications are available in person at the Fire Department.

Call the Fire Department at 508-349-3754 if you need any additional information.

Safety tips for open burning: 

Massachusetts open burning information